August 6, 2012

  • Warp speed summer

    Hard to believe that it is almost time for school to start again…this summer just FLEW by! Just about the time I was getting used to not having to plan my days around the school year, our daughter has decided that she should return to school. (apparently, ONE masters degree is not enough. who knew?) We are planning one more summer activity for later this week. Cannot wait to see how much has been done since the last time we saw the log cabin and seeing so many xanga buddies together in one place will also be quite a treat!!!

    Hoping that this little jaunt will also provide a little respite from the heat here, but it has only just recently gotten really hot & dry…SO much better than last year when it lasted all summer! Thankfully, I was able to get a little break during the worst of the heat and drought last summer when I was visiting all my family in YankeeLand with my daughter & her hubby.

    We also celebrated some birthdays this summer, beginning with son-in-law’s, then mine, then daughter’s, then mother-in-law’s. Daughter took this one of most of the gang (am I really THAT fat???? never mind, don’t answer that!) celebrating her grandmother’s 90th:

    Lots of changes and distractions have kept me from my master bedroom project, so it is no closer to completion than when I last posted. Business has also been quite brisk and it is always such fun meeting new people. I did take some time last week to go to Dallas with my MK galpals and attend Seminar for some motivation, education, inspiration and lots of fun. Our director took this photo of our group while were at the awards ceremony:


    Here is another shot of almost everyone in our group wearing our biz suits with our director on the left:

    Must now pack away the biz suits and ball gowns and fill my suitcase with more appropriate attire for hiking & celebrating with good friends…hope to see many of you VERY soon!

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